I am a social artist and I do art for a cause.
I am grateful to all the pioneers who have made Singapore what it is today. I am grateful to be a Singaporean.
I am thankful to God and everyone who has taught and supported my Journey in Ink 知己。墨。若悟 since 2009. My motivation is from my faith. “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10. I have 6 sponsored children from Cambodia, China, Myanmar, South Hebron and Zambia. My wish is for each of them to live the abundant life.
How it all started.....
What started as a fun and recreational activity of dabbling in Chinese ink with a bunch of friends has led to me to helping children through World Vision.
My accidental foray into using Chinese ink was at Confucius Institute (NTU) in 2007.
When I could finally draw my first water village 水乡 on 26th Jul 2012, my eldest sis exclaimed: “The painting looks like the one that our grandfather did!”
My maternal grandfather, Mr Gan Tiong Huat, an artist and a Chinese language teacher, was taken away during the Japanese Occupation and never returned. He died at the age of 39 years old. According to my mum, my granddad used to bring my aunties and her to the esplanade to paint and he would also play the violin by the beach.
(ref: Sisters remember the day their father was taken away)
My grandfather is the adopted son of Mr Gan Eng Seng, a pioneer and philanthropist of Singapore, who amongst many other contributions, built a bilingual school for poor children in 1885.
Being a science student all my life, and dabbling with technology, I never imagine i could one day paint and then sell art as I failed art in my school days!
This Journey in Ink led me to know that God in His wisdom has plans for me. The doors of art kept opening.
I am grateful to my granddad for the artistic genes I inherited. I am thankful to my mum, who prayed for all her children. I am thankful for being brought up in family who believes in the Biblical God. I hope to walk in the steps of my great grandfather, Mr Gan Eng Seng, who gave generously to widows and orphans and donated to build hospitals such as Thong Chai Medical Institution and Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
I am grateful to God for showing me this Journey in Ink and leading me to my rich heritage.”
- Pin Lay, 濱麗
Chi Pin Lay 紀濱麗
Social Artist
Mum and myself at Gan Clan Singapore, pointing to my granddad's name, Mar 2014
Mum, with Mr Gan Eng Seng pix in background@Gan Clan Singapore
An interview pix with Next Magazine about my involvement as a volunteer with World Vision, Nov 2011
all rights reserved
Favourite Bible Story
Grow your talents
What gives me courage:
God’s unconditional love for me
“I come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
My prayer:
Lord, use my gifts and talents for your glory. Amen.
What I aspire to:
“ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” - Matt 5:16
My maternal grandfather's writing, in a dictionary that is close to 100 years old!